If you are sure and want to contribute to the first major challenge of the EAP platform, you can save Antonio's onions below.

And when you complete your order, you will receive an email with recipes for making onions so you can get the most out of them!

This is what customers who have tried Antonio's onions say.

    • Supermarket price € 1.85 /kg
    • Price paid by the Supermarket to the Farmer : 0.05€/kg
    • Price europagricultproduct.com 1,10 €/kg
    • Price paid by EAP to the Farmer 0.30 €/kg

What is Europa Agricult Product?

It is the definitive online platform for the defence of European agriculture, the perfect link between farmers and end consumers.

And these are our 4 main pillars, every time you buy from EAP we guarantee these 4 pillars 100%.

Our numbers

Proof of this success is that:

  • We have had more than 350k followers in 3 months,
  • More than 500,000kg of fruit and vegetables sold to thousands of customers throughout the world
    Spain, with what it means to buy in EAP,

The 4 Pillars

  • Fair prices for our farmers.
  • Lower prices than supermarkets delivered directly to your home.
  • Maximum freshness and quality.
  • Guarantee of Spanish and European origin.